Defects significantly impact the properties of 2D semiconductors,
providing in-gap quantum states that can serve as a natural platform
for single-electron operations, localization sites for excitons to
serve as single-photon sources, and potentially quantum spin memories.
To date, however, a microscopic observation of such a single-electron
transport (SET) behavior has been rarely reported on single defects
of 2D semiconductors. Here, we report a SET and charge-state transition
on individual point-defect states buried in the bilayer WSe2 using scanning tunneling microscopy. SET characteristics of their
states is evidenced by both the Coulomb staircase and the saturation
behavior of the transport current, consistent with the SET model.
Furthermore, we demonstrate that, through the local field of a scanning
tunneling microscope tip, it is possible to successively charge the
defects by single electrons, suggested by both the ring structures
and charging peaks in dI/dV measurements.
Our results provide new insights into the quantum nature of these
defect-bound states, as well as the possibility of using their single-electron
behavior and response for applications in quantum information and
local-field sensing.