Objective: to quantify the reasons for referrals of primary care physicians to neurology in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Method: cross-sectional study evaluating referrals from Primary Care to the specialty of Neurology in Belo Horizonte, registered in the NOVO SISREG regulatory system, from March 2019 to July 2020. Neurologists or family physicians from the Regula Mais Brasil project, with experience in referral protocols for neurology, carried out the evaluation of the main diagnoses. Results: 13,844 referrals to neurology were identified, with an average of 814.35 referrals per month. Headache, epilepsy and cerebrovascular disorders were the most common reasons, accounting for 55.5% of referrals. Other neurological conditions identified less frequently were parkinsonism, tremor, syncope and vertigo, responsible for 10.9% of referrals. Conclusion: most referrals did not prioritize only neurology expertise. It is possible that cultural aspects and the routine of physicians, health services and the community itself determined these referrals, raising awareness about the high demand, waiting time and possible clinical conditions that are soon ceasing to be managed by other specialties that also share these skills.