A reduction in tear production and abnormal tear film function can cause discomfort, such as visual fatigue, dry eyes, redness, foreign body sensation, and poor night vision. Hence, the purpose of this study was to examine effect of autologous serum eye drops on symptom improvement, adverse reactions and prognosis of dry eye patients with poor efficacy of artificial tears. This study employed an experimental design whereby forty-eight patients with xerophthalmia from January 2022 to January 2023 were randomly divided into observation group (n = 48) and control group (n = 48). Basic tear secretion test, tear film rupture time, corneal fluorescein staining score and ocular surface disease index were compared. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 20.0. Findings revealed that combination of artificial tears and AS eye drops can significantly enhance the clinical symptoms of dry eyes patients with poor efficacy of artificial tears and increase the comfort of patients during treatment. Hence, improving the condition of the patients. The results obtained affirm important theoretical basis for AS as the main component of self-made metaphase corneal preservation solution. Hence, the study highly recommends the popularization and implementation of treatment schemes like artificial tears and AS eye drops in today’s clinics.