Changes in the education process indicate the increasing occurrence of the privatization of education, as well as the emergence of permeation of public and private partnerships that are supported by global education policies. Considering that in the Republic of Serbia this topic is insufficiently studied, the goal of the paper is to present public-private partnerships in their complexity, possibilities, but also the implied challenges. Also, in order to understand the specificity of public-private partnerships in education, it is necessary to present the historical development of this type of partnership, as well as its broader socio-economic framework. Twofold demands placed on modern educational institutions indicate the complexity of the situation. On the one hand, educational institutions should retain its specificity while at the same time their increasingly pronounced contribution to economic efficiency is expected, resulting in establishing cooperation between the public and private sectors. The paper presents in more details the ways of achieving public-private partnerships in education. The contribution of the paper includes the actualization of literature dealing with the topic of public - private partnership. On the basis of the studied literature, it is concluded that in the future the greatest impacts of public - private partnerships can be expected within higher education.