Technological advances in the first decade of the 21st century created a social dynamic marked by technological advances that transformed everyday behavior and people's way of being in local and global contexts. Technological advances demanded that information, strategies, resources and knowledge were in people's hands, including the process of using digital technologies in rural education. Specifically, this context influenced the reflection on the use of technologies in rural education in the municipality of Altamira in Pará/Brazil. Thus, in this research, a bibliographic survey was carried out on technologies and their use in rural education, as well as a survey of data from the Department of Education on the structure and functioning of teaching in schools in rural areas. Content analysis for data processing revealed the precariousness of rural education in terms of buildings and technological infrastructure, as well as the lack of initial and continuing training of teachers with Information and Communication Technologies. The experience of Educação do Campo in Altamira-PA demonstrates the distancing from Brazilian legal requirements and scientific stimuli on the use of technologies in teaching. In addition, he emphasized the growing interest of government entities in supporting educational public policies for digital inclusion in rural education.