We have performed a detailed comparison of the preirradiation l/f noise and the radiation-induced threshold voltage shifts due to oxide-trapped and interface-trapped charge, AVot and A&, for enhancement-mode, 3-pm gate, nchannel MOS transistors taken from seven different wafers processed in the same lot. These wafers were prepared with gate oxides of widely varying radiation hardness. We show that the preirradiation l/f noise levels of these devices correlate strongly with the postirradiation AVot, but not with the postirradiation AKt. These results suggest that l/f noise measurements may prove useful in characterizing and predicting the radiation response of MOS devices.between the preirmdiation current noise of MOS transistors and their radiation hardness. We find strong correlation between the preirradiation noise and postirradiation oxide-trapped charge density. In contrast, no clear correlation is observed between the preirradiation noise and the postirradiation interface-trapped charge density. The scaling of the noise with frequency, gate and drain voltage, and oxide-trapped charge density is consistent with a simple model that attributes the noise to tunneling events between the device channel and traps in the oxide. The model is considered to be quite preliminary, however, in that many questions remain unanswered regarding the exact nature of traps that cause the noise and their relationship to the postirradiation hole traps. Implications for total-dose hardness assurance testing are discussed.