Each cooperative must have the right marketing strategy, such as further increasing the productive capacity of its members, so that they can face market competition which merely emphasizes the norm of efficiency. This study aims to determine the marketing strategy, promotion, and reputation of purchasing decisions at the Savings and Loan Cooperative in South Tangerang. The method used was explanatory research with a sample of 90 respondents. The analysis technique uses statistical analysis with regression testing, correlation, determination, and hypothesis testing. The results of this study's marketing strategies significantly influence purchasing decisions by 33.2%, hypothesis testing obtained significance 0,000 <0.05. The promotion has a significant effect on purchasing decisions of 36.6%, hypothesis testing is obtained significance of 0,000 <0.05. Reputation has a significant effect on purchasing decisions by 26.9%, hypothesis testing obtained significance 0,000 <0.05. Marketing strategy, promotion, and reputation simultaneously have a significant effect on purchasing decisions by 51.4%, hypothesis testing obtained significance 0,000 <0.05.