Practitioners, researchers and translators are persons who often have to communicate about domain-specific issues in a foreign language and may consult bilingual specialised dictionaries for help. However, many specialised dictionaries focus on terms even though studies of the foreign language text production process reveal that this also includes grammar, language conventions, genre conventions and style. Specialists can be expected to know conventions and style in their own source language culture but cannot be expected to know how these are realised in a foreign language. Bilingual specialised dictionaries can help users if they contain domain-specific example sentences illustrating how source language convention and style can be transposed to a foreign language. This means that bilingual specialised dictionaries should not merely help users translate terms but be lexicographical tools designed to assist in foreign language communication so that they provide help to practitioners, researchers and translators who produce specialised texts in a foreign language using proper conventions and style.
Keywords: SPECIALISED LEXICOGRAPHY, ONLINE DICTIONARIES, PRINTED DICTION-ARIES, TECHNICAL DICTIONARIES, SPECIALISED COMMUNICATION, EXAMPLES, LEXI-COGRAPHICAL FUNCTIONS, TEXT PRODUCTION, USER NEEDS, WRITING, TRANSLATIONOpsomming: Voorbeeldsinne in tweetalige vakwoordeboeke help met kommunikasie in 'n vreemde taal. Praktisyns, navorsers en vertalers moet dikwels in 'n vreemde taal oor vakspesifieke sake kommunikeer en raadpleeg daarvoor dan dalk tweetalige vakwoordeboeke. Baie vakwoordeboeke se fokus is op terme alhoewel navorsing oor teksproduksie in 'n vreemde taal daarop wys dat grammatika, taalkonvensies, genrekonvensies en styl ook ter sake is. Van vakspesialiste kan dit verwag word om vertroud te wees met taalkonvensies en styl in hulle eie brontaal, maar nie met die weergawe daarvan in 'n vreemde taal nie. Tweetalige vakwoordeboeke kan gebruikers help deur vakspesifieke voorbeeldsinne in te sluit wat wys hoe brontaalkonvensies en styl na die doeltaal oorgedra moet word. Dit beteken dat tweetalige vakwoordeboeke nie net gebruikers moet help om terme te vertaal nie maar hulle moet leksikografiese instrumente wees wat ontwerp is om met vreemdetaalproduksie te help. Daardeur ondersteun hulle praktisyns, navorsers en vertalers wat vaktekste in 'n vreemde taal moet skep om die regte konvensies en styl te benut.