This study aims to identify the internal and external factors and analyze the alternative strategies which can be applied in developing beef cattle in Gunungkidul District. The method used in this study is mixed method of qualitative and quantitative to collect the primary data from the respondents and secondary data from relevant institutions, which are BPS (Statistics Indonesia) of Gunungkidul District, Agriculture and Food Services of Gunungkidul District. The research sample was determined by convenience sampling as many as 60 breeder respondents and 12 expert respondents from instances and private sector. The data analysis uses internal and external situation analysis and SWOT analysis. The qualitative SWOT analysis on internal factors results in the identification of strengths and weaknesses which consist of human resources, financial conditions, operational/ production, management, and marketing. The analysis on external factors results in the identification of external factors in the form of opportunities and threats consisting of social, economic, government policy and technology. The quantitative SWOT matrix analysis results in an internal factor of 0.81 (on the x axis) and an external factor of 1.16 (on the y axis). Strategic position is in quadrant I which means as supporting aggressive growth policies (Growth Oriented Strategy), which is using the power to obtain opportunities (SO). SO alternative strategy formulated is the increased population and production, optimizing the potential of human resources potential of breeder and supporting the animal feed waste as well as facilities and infrastructures and improving a good management and technical skills.