Based on data on the website of the Directorate General of Corrections, currently there are 55 children who serve a sentence in Tangerang Juvenile Correctional Facility (LPKA). LPKA provides space for education, care, alleviation, skills training, care as well as supervision for children in difficult times facing life without direct parental assistance. Efforts to improve attitudes and behavior towards children have been carried out through teaching and learning activities education, narcotics rehabilitation and play therapy. One of the other approaches that can be applied is assistive writing therapy. Assertive writing therapy is a means to reflect on the innermost thoughts and feelings of unpleasant even traumatic events. Unfortunate events sometimes make it difficult for children to accept themselves and their environmental conditions coupled with the Covid 19 pandemic situation. The Covid 19 pandemic has prevented families from visiting children to prevent the risk of transmission. Whether assertive writing therapy is effective in the Covid-19 pandemic situation made us interested in doing this research. This research focuses on knowing alternatives for implementing child coaching programs in the Covid 19 pandemic situation. The purpose of this research is to determine how effective assertive writing therapy is for children's self-acceptance. This type of research is quasi-experimental with pretest and posttest research design without a control group design using assistive writing therapy media to 12 children in LPKA (at LPKA Tangerang) who were selected according to the criteria (purposive sampling). The pre-test and post-test knowledge measurement used an instrument in the form of a self-acceptance questionnaire with a Likert scale which was tested for validity and reliability first. Then the analysis was carried out using the Wilcoxon test because it was non-parametric and the samples (12 children) were not normally distributed. The results showed that the value of p = 0.02 ≤ α = 0.05, that is, assertive writing therapy is effective in increasing children's selfacceptance in LPKA Tangerang. Assertive writing therapy has a significant effect on increasing children's selfacceptance in LPKA Tangerang. Assertive writing therapy is recommended to be a practical approach to increase children's self-acceptance while in LPKA. Children will be easier to adapt and actualize, especially in this pandemic situation that requires limited face-to-face communication between humans.