“…He correlated the rock types and rock sequences with the transgressions and regressions of the sea and with the probable pH (above .or below 7.8) and Eh ( abov'e or below zero) of the environment of sedimentation. Based on pririci pies first defined by l(azakov (1937) and later'applied with modifications by l\icl(elvey (1\icl\:elvey, Swanson, and Sheldon, 1953) to the Phosphoria, Sheldon (1957) showed that these controls were operative in an area near the outer edge of the platform where phosphate, carbonate, and silica in solution were supplied by cold marine currents, rising from the geosyncline to the west, while clastic sediments were supplied from low-lying areas on the north and the northeast. Extending this concept further, Sheldon (1959) analyzed the distribution of uranium in the phosphatic shales of the Phosphoria Formation and showed for northwestern Wyoming that the phosphatic sediments deposited in an environment of low Eh are richer in uranium and that the pH of the environment could not be sh0wn to affect.…”