Vicinal YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7Ϫ␦ ͑YBCO͒ thin films of thickness hϭ20-480 nm are grown by pulsed-laser deposition on 10°miscut ͑001͒ SrTiO 3 substrates. The anisotropic resistivities, c-axis texture, and critical temperature drastically depend on the thickness of vicinal films. High-resolution electron microscopy reveals a defect microstructure with strong bending of the YBCO lattice near the SrTiO 3 interface and improved film microstructure at larger distances to the substrate. The required layer thickness for microstructure relaxation and increase of electrical conductivity are significantly larger than the critical thickness of c-axis oriented YBCO films. © 2002 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.1508418͔ High-temperature superconductors ͑HTS͒ have a quasi two-dimensional structure and reveal strongly anisotropic physical properties. For HTS thin films on single crystal substrates the c-axis orientation is energetically favored and only the ab-plane transport properties can be measured. However, on miscut substrates a coherently tilted, vicinal structure of the films can develop and the transport properties within the ab plane and along the c axis can be derived on the very same sample. Vicinal films are especially important for the characterization of materials which are not available as phase pure single crystals 1 and for the investigation of phenomena occurring in thin layers of a material. 2,3 Vicinal Bi 2 Sr 2 CaCu 2 O 8ϩ␦ ͑Bi-2212͒ thin films show anisotropic resistivities independent of film thickness h in the range h ϭ20-300 nm. 4 These results are in striking contrast to the resistivity behavior of vicinal YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7Ϫ␦ films.In this letter we report on vicinal YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7Ϫ␦ ͑YBCO͒ thin films (hϭ20-480 nm) which reveal an extremely strong increase of resistivities and a reduced c-axis texture for thicknesses less than 100 nm. YBCO films are grown by pulsed-laser deposition ͑PLD͒ on miscut ͑001͒ SrTiO 3 substrates. UV-excimer laser pulses ( ϭ248 nm, L Ϸ20 ns, repetition rate 10 Hz, fluence 3.25 J/cm 2 ) are employed for target ablation. 6 The vicinal angle is s ϭ10°and the substrates polished after cutting have a rms surface roughness of less than 0.2 nm ͑TBL Kelpin͒.The thickness of vicinal YBCO films linearly increases with the number of laser pulses employed for target ablation. The deposition rate is 0.34Ϯ0.01 Å/pulse. The vicinal films have a step-like surface morphology due to step-flow growth as observed by atomic force microscopy. 7,8 The film terraces are smooth and inclined by an angle ϭ9.5°Ϯ1.7°with respect to the macroscopic film surface in good agreement to the nominal substrate miscut angle. Due to the bunching of small steps with unit-cell height 9 relatively large terraces of width 107Ϯ27 nm and steps of height 18Ϯ6 nm are formed for films of 75 nm thickness. The anisotropic resistivities of vicinal YBCO films P (T) and O (T) were obtained from far-point measurements on current tracks oriented parallel and orthogonal to the vicinal steps, respectively. The in-plane ab (T) a...