Higher education in health has always emphasized the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes; when, in the modern world, we must not only educate our competitiveness, but also enhance our ability to adapt to change, generate new knowledge and constantly improve our performance. Scientific research is increasingly related to the experience of students in their work performance and their interaction with the environment, so that the acquisition of knowledge is not independent of their activity. The research groups contribute to the formation of students in teamwork and interdisciplinary approach to knowledge. Scientific research is rigorous, and universities should promote it, for which the research seedbeds are a good way to obtain diagnoses of our reality, and proposals in accordance with the needs of the environment to modify it. The seedbeds are spaces in which a tutor and his students are present in order to create a learning community, and constitute a training strategy to promote research in multiple fields of knowledge, and are potentially applicable and useful in the area of higher education in health. The work that is developed in the seedbeds from an individual or collective appearance confirms a mutual benefit, which includes the actors or members of the seedbed, the institution, the network and society.