<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Scientific reasoning skills are very important for students to be obtained as their future provisions considering they are firmly related to problem solving and critical thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to identify high school students’ SRA based on gender in Situbondo Regency. This research method is quantitative descriptive utilizing a sample of 195 high school students selected utilizing purposive sampling. The instrument consisted of 26 open-ended multiple-choice questions with a reliability coefficient α = 0.797. The results of this research indicate that the distinctions in SRA between male and female students are inexistent. However, female students have a slightly higher average SRS value and outperform the SRS level achievement of male students, spesifically on correlational reasoning, probabilistic reasoning, and hyphotetico-deductive reasoning. In addition, most of students (84,10%) remain on the concrete operational level and this indicates that the students’ SRSs is still low. Combinatorial reasoning considered as the lowest achievement indicators whilst correlation reasoning indicators quite the opposite. Based on the findings, the implication based on theory and practices have been discussed.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong><em> </em>Keterampilan penalaran ilmiah sangat penting dimiliki siswa sebagai bekal masa depan mereka, karena berkaitan erat dengan pemecahan masalah dan ketereampilan berpikir kritis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi Keterampilan Penalaran Ilmiah siswa SMA berdasarkan jenis kelamin di Kabupaten Situbondo. Metode penelitian ini adalah deksriptif kuantitatif, dengan sampel sebanyak 195 siswa SMA dipilih dengan <em>purposive sampling. </em>Instrumen terdiri atas 26 butir soal pilihan ganda berlasan terbuka dengan koefisien reliabilitas α = 0,797. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan KPI antara siswa laki-laki dan perempuan. Namun demikian, siswa perempuan memiliki nilai rata-rata KPI sedikit lebih tinggi dan mengungguli pencapaian level Keterampilan Penalaran Ilmiah siswa laki-laki, khususnya pada penalaran korelasi, probabilistik, dan <em>hypothetico-deductive reasoning</em>. Selain itu, sebagian besar siswa (84,10%) berada pada tingkat operasional konkret dan hal ini mengindikasikan KPI siswa masih rendah. Penalaran kombinatorial sebagai indikator capaian terendah, sementara indikator penalaran korelasi sebaliknya. Berdasarkan temuan, implikasi berdasarkan teori dan praktik telah didiskusikan.