“…The interaction of mRNA codons with anticodons of the correct (cognate) tRNAs is one of the key steps of protein synthesis on the ribosome (translation)+ Data on the arrangement of mRNA at the site of codonanticodon interactions (the decoding site) are of great importance for understanding the molecular mechanisms of translation+ Significant progress in studying the mRNA binding center has been achieved with the use of site-directed crosslinking+ This approach is based on the application of mRNA analogs that bear chemically reactive groups or photoreactive groups at defined positions in the RNA sequence+ Numerous data on nucleotides of ribosomal RNA and ribosomal proteins crosslinked with mRNA analogs have been accumulated within the past 10 years, both for prokaryotic (mostly Escherichia coli; for a review, see Baranov et al+, 1999) and eukaryotic (in particular, human; e+g+, see Malygin et al+, 1994;Bulygin et al+, 1997aBulygin et al+, , 1997bMatasova et al+, 1998) ribosomes+ Comparison of the crosslinking data obtained with the same synthetic mRNAs (about 50 nt long) substituted randomly with 4-thiouridines revealed significant differences in interaction of mRNA with 70S and 80S ribosome (Graifer et al+, 1994a)+ For human 80S ribosomes, the only major target for crosslinking, U630, was found (Graifer et al+, 1994a) in contrast to the experiments with E. coli 70S ribosomes, where up to 12 mRNA-16S rRNA cross-links have been determined (Bhangu & Wollenzien, 1992)+ The general conclusions on the arrangement of the mRNA on the ribosome may be drawn from the sum of data obtained with the use of mRNA analogs of various natures, because results of the crosslinking may depend both on the position of the modified mRNA nucleotide on the ribosome and on the nature of the nucleotide and type of the crosslinking group (Vladimirov et al+, 1990;Malygin et al+, 1994;Bulygin et al+, 1997b;Sergiev et al+, 1997)+ Data obtained with the use of mRNA analogs that carry photoreactive groups at the positions not involved in the Watson-Crick base pairing (e+g+, C5 atom of uracil or N7 atom of guanine) are especially important+ Such analogs allow the study of the ribosomal environment of the mRNA nucleotides directly involved in the codon-anticodon interactions on the ribosome+…”