Proteomics data are often plagued with missingness issues. These missing values (MVs) threaten the integrity of subsequent statistical analyses by reduction of statistical power, introduction of bias, and failure to represent the true sample. Over the years, several categories of missing value imputation (MVI) methods have been developed and adapted for proteomics data. These MVI methods perform their tasks based on different prior assumptions (e.g., data is normally or independently distributed) and operating principles (e.g., the algorithm is built to address random missingness only), resulting in varying levels of performance even when dealing with the same dataset. Thus, to achieve a satisfactory outcome, a suitable MVI method must be selected. To guide decision making on suitable MVI method, we provide a decision chart which facilitates strategic considerations on datasets presenting different characteristics. We also bring attention to other issues that can impact proper MVI such as the presence of confounders (e.g., batch effects) which can influence MVI performance. Thus, these too, should be considered during or before MVI.