The problem of the study of individual factors in the course of hardiness formation is considered herein. The authors presented the study results of the hardiness level and the Big Five factors of the residents of the Ural region. 148 people (69 males and 79 females) aged 17 to 65 years took part in the study. Two instruments used which were the Russianlanguage version of the "Hardiness Survey" questionnaire edited by D.A. Leontiev and The Russian-language version of the Big Five questionnaire (TIPI). Pearson correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used to confirm the hypotheses of the study. The results of the study confirmed the hypothesis that the individual traits of the Big Five (extroversion, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience) correlate with the level of hardiness. In addition, data were obtained on the impact on the level of the hardiness of the three features of the Big Five: extroversion, integrity and emotional stability. The article discusses the limitations of the study and the possibilities of the practical application of the results.