The present study aimed to evaluate behavioral problems in 83 children with orofacial clefts and to test for possible correlations between these problems and the following variables: gender, age and cleft type. The instruments used were: Interview Protocol and the CBCL. Descriptive analysis of the data was performed using measures of frequency and percentage and the Chi-squared test was used to test for possible correlations. The results showed a higher frequency of externalizing behavior problems in boys. Higher rates of internalizing problems (62.2%) and total problems (46.7%) were also found in older children. Regarding the relationship between cleft type and behavioral problems, a prevalence of internalizing behaviors was observed, regardless of the type. Considering the behavioral profi le that composes the internalizing and externalizing scales, an association between male gender and aggressive behavior was observed; between the 3 years to 4 years 3 months age group and aggressive behavior; and between the pre-incisive foramen cleft and trans-incisive foramen cleft types and internalizing behavior, with emphasis on anxiety/depression problems (50% and 27.1% respectively). It is considered that these data can contribute to the planning of preventive and interventional actions, as internalizing and externalizing behaviors reduce the opportunity for adequate interactions and, hence social development.Keywords: Children's behavior, behavior problems, cleft lip and palate.
Problemas Comportamentais em Crianças Pré-Escolares com Fissura LabiopalatinaResumo O presente estudo objetivou identifi car problemas de comportamento de 83 crianças com fi ssura labiopalatina e testar a correlação entre esses problemas e as variáveis sexo, idade e tipo de fi ssura.