He2 molecules in the metastable a 3 Σ + u state have been generated by striking a discharge in a supersonic expansion of helium gas from a pulsed valve. When operating the pulsed valve at room temperature, 77 K, and 10 K, the mean velocity of the supersonic beam was measured to be 1900 m/s, 980 m/s, and 530 m/s, with longitudinal velocity distributions corresponding to temperatures of 4 K, 1.9 K, and 1.8 K, respectively. The characterization of the population distribution among the different rotational levels of the a 3 Σ + u state by high-resolution photoelectron and photoionization spectroscopy indicated a rotational temperature of about 150 K for the beam formed by expansion from the room-temperature valve and a bimodal distribution for the beam produced with the valve held at 10 K, with rotational levels up to N = 21 being populated. A 55-stage Zeeman decelerator operated in a phase-stable manner in the longitudinal and transverse dimensions was used to further reduce the beam velocity and tune it in the range between 100 and 150 m/s. The internal-state distribution of the decelerated sample was determined by recording and analyzing the photoionization spectrum in the region of the lowest ionization threshold, where it is dominated by resonances corresponding to autoionizing np Rydberg states belonging to series converging to the different rotational levels of the X 2 Σ + u ground state of He + 2 . The deceleration process did not reveal any rotational state selectivity, but eliminated molecules in spin-rotational sublevels with J = N from the beam, J and N being the total and the rotational angular momentum quantum number, respectively. The lack of rotational state selectivity is attributed to the fact that the Paschen-Back regime of the Zeeman effect in the rotational levels of the a 3 Σ + u state of He2 is already reached at fields of only 0.1 T.