A r t i c l e I n f o A b s t r a c tKeywords: halophilic bacteria, halostable proteases, bittern, monovalence and divalence saltsHalophilic bacteria grows and survives on the environment with high salinity value, for example is the bittern. Halophilic bacteria can produce enzymes which resist to salt, one of the enzyme is halostable proteases. The halostable proteases can be used to waste degradation process on the saline area. This research is to get the extracellular proteases from halophilic bacteria isolated from bittern at Madura salt pond and to determine the effect of monovalence salts (NaCl and KCl) and divalence salts (CaCl2 and MgCl2) in activity and its profile activity of proteases halostable. Based on this experiment, it is found that protease halostable has the highest activity in the first fraction (0-20%) with the specific activity about 220,83 unit/mg of protein. The present of salts such as NaCl, CaCl2 and MgCl2 increase the proteases activity, while KCl decreases the protease activity. The effect of salt addition to protease activity is increasing in KCl, NaCl, CaCl2, MgCl2 respectively.