The paper presents the results of experimental studies to determine the limiting stage of the adsorption kinetics of the methylene blue dye by the biomass of the crushed peel of apricot pits. Morphological studies of the surface of the peel of apricot pits were carried out using a scanning electron microscope of the brand “TESCAN MIRA 3 LMU” (Czech Republic). Adsorption studies were carried out under static conditions by treating the biomass of the apricot pit peel with solutions of methylene blue of specified concentrations for a certain time. On the basis of the obtained data, the kinetic dependences were constructed and the necessary indicators were calculated. It was found that the sorption capacity of the apricot pit biomass under experimental conditions is 0.565 mmol/g. The results of the experiment were processed using the Microsoft office Excel software in the framework of the diffusion model, and an intradiffusion kinetic model of sorption was obtained. The constants of the intradiffusion kinetic model of sorption and the parameters of the internal diffusion coefficient are calculated, and the contribution of external diffusion to the adsorption process is determined. It is revealed that the adsorption process is limited by external diffusion.