Passive linear systems τ = {A, B, C, D; H, M, N} have their transfer function Θτ (λ) = D + λC(I − λA) −1 B in the Schur class S(M, N). Using a parametrization of contractive block operators the transfer function Θτ (λ) is connected to the Sz.-Nagy-Foiaş characteristic function ΦA(λ) of the contraction A. This gives a new aspect and some explicit formulas for studying the interplay between the system τ and the functions Θτ (λ) and ΦA(λ). The method leads to some new results for linear passive discrete-time systems. Also new proofs for some known facts in the theory of these systems are obtained.
Mathematics Subject Classification (2000). Primary 47A45, 47A48, 47A56, 47N70; Secondary 93B15.