Electrification of mobility is paving the way in decreasing emissions from the transport sector; nevertheless, to achieve a more sustainable and inclusive transport system, effective and long-term planning of electric vehicles charging infrastructure will be crucial. Developing an infrastructure that supports the substitution of the internal combustion engine and societal needs is no easy feat; different modes of transport and networks require specific analyses to match the requirements of the users and the capabilities of the power grid. In order to outline best practices and guidelines for a cost-effective and holistic charging infrastructure planning process, the authors have evaluated all the aspects and factors along the charging infrastructure planning cycle, analysing different methodological approaches from scientific literature over the last few years. The review starts with target identification (including transport networks, modes of transport, charging technologies implemented, and candidate sites), second, the data acquisition process (detailing data types sources and data processing), and finally, modelling, allocation, and sizing methodologies. The investigation results in a decision support tool to plan high-power charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, taking into account the interests of all the stakeholders involved in the infrastructure investment and the mobility value chain (distributed system operators, final users, and service providers).