This study was conducted to evaluate the buffalo ovaries, follicles and cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs) with the view of in vitro production (IVP) of embryos. Buffalo (Bubalis bubalis) ovaries were collected from local slaughterhouse and categorized according to the position of ovaries in the genital tract (left vs. right) and presence or absence of corpus luteum (CL). Moreover, collected ovaries were also evaluated for length, width and weight, number of follicles, aspirated follicles and state of COCs. The length (cm) of right ovary (2.32±0.06) was significantly (P<0.05) higher than left ones (2.14±0.05). Number of follicles were higher (P<0.05) in the left (7.25±0.31) compare to the right (6.22±0.32) ovaries. Other parameters, including width, weight and number of COC aspirated did not differ significantly (P<0.05) between right and left ovaries. The length, width and weight of ovaries with CL were higher (P<0.05) whereas, number of observed follicles, aspirated follicles, number of COCs and number of normal COCs were significantly (P<0.05) higher in ovaries without CL than their counter parts.