The fundamental discovery by Ogawa and coworkers (1) of blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast in MRI opened up broad opportunities to study the hemodynamic properties of the brain. While the "dynamic" properties of BOLD contrast during functional activation have received much consideration, very little attention has been paid to the nature of BOLD contrast during the resting or baseline state of the brain. Raichle et al. (2) identified the baseline state of the normal human brain in terms of the brain tissue oxygen extraction fraction (OEF). OEF maps in subjects who are resting quietly with their eyes closed define a baseline level of neuronal activity. OEF maps in normal resting humans demonstrate remarkable uniformity despite substantial regional variations in CBF and CMRO 2 (3,4). Understanding brain function in the baseline state is important for understanding normal human performance because it accounts for most of the enormous energy budget of the brain, whereas evoked activity represents very small incremental changes (5). Such an understanding is also crucial for deciphering the consequences of baseline-state impairment by diseases of the brain such as stroke (6) and Alzheimer's disease (7,8). Importantly, the OEF has been shown to be an accurate predictor of subsequent stroke occurrence in patients with cerebrovascular disease (9,10). Previous studies were conducted using PET imaging techniques; however, such studies would be more available for research and clinical applications if they could be performed based on MRI methods. One such MRI approach is discussed in this article.The magnetic field inside practically any system that is put into an MRI scanner is always inhomogeneous. The relative scale of this inhomogeneity compared to an imaging voxel can be roughly divided into three categories: macroscopic, mesoscopic, and microscopic (11). These three types of inhomogeneities all affect MRI signal formation. The macroscopic scale refers to magnetic field changes that occur over distances that are larger than the dimensions of the imaging voxel. Macroscopic field inhomogeneities arise from magnet imperfections, body-air interfaces, large (compared to voxel size) sinuses inside the body, etc. These field inhomogeneities are mostly undesirable in MRI because they generally provide no information of physiologic or anatomic interest. Rather, they lead to effects such as signal loss in gradient-echo (GRE) imaging, and image spatial distortions in both GRE and spin-echo (SE) imaging. The microscopic scale refers to changes in magnetic field over distances that are comparable to atomic and molecular lengths (i.e., over distances that are orders of magnitude smaller than the imaging voxel dimensions). Fluctuating microscopic field inhomogeneities lead to the irreversible signal dephasing characterized by the T 2 relaxation time constant, as well as to the longitudinal magnetization changes characterized by the T 1 relaxation time constant. The mesoscopic scale refers to distances that are smaller th...