We investigate the arrival statistics of Stokes (S) and anti-Stokes (aS) Raman photons generated in diamond membranes. Strong quantum correlations between the S and aS signals are observed, which implies that the two processes share the same phonon, that is, the phonon excited by the S process is consumed in the aS process. We show that the intensity cross-correlation g (2)S,aS (0), which describes the simultaneous detection of Stokes and anti-Stokes photons, decreases steadily with laser power as 1/PL. Contrary to many other material systems, diamond exhibits a maximum g (2)S,aS (0) at very low pump powers, implying that the Stokes-induced aS photons outnumber the thermally generated aS photons. On the other hand, the coincidence rate shows a quadratic plus cubic power dependence, which indicates a departure from the Stokes-induced anti-Stokes process.Raman scattering, conventionally used as a method for probing the vibrational modes of a system, can be used to create correlated Stokes-anti-Stokes photon pairs [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. In the uncorrelated regime, Raman scattering is spontaneous and, without laser heating, both Stokes and anti-Stokes intensities are linear with excitation laser power (see Fig. 1a). However, if the phonon energies are high enough that the thermal phonon occupation is low, the spontaneous aS process is rare and correlations between Stokes and anti-Stokes photon generation set in (see in Fig. 1b). In this regime the aS intensity depends on the squared excitation laser power, since one laser photon writes the phonon, and another laser photon reads it. Recent work has shown both theoretically and experimentally that the Stokes-generated phonon acts as a quantum memory, where the Stokes and anti-Stokes signals act as write and read commands [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]. In parallel, research in photon pairs produced through four-wave mixing (FWM) in optical fibers has shown extremely high nonclassical correlations [12, 13], analogous to studies in spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC) [14].In this paper, we report the generation of highly nonclassical photon superbunching in diamond at low excitation powers and analyze Stokes-anti-Stokes photon correlations as a function of pump power. Our data reveal the range of conditions under which Stokes-induced anti-Stokes scattering (SaS) can be used to generate correlated photons in diamond. This information is useful for designing efficient phonon-based quantum memories and heralded single-photon sources for quantum communication. Contrary to four-wave mixing measurements in optical fibers [12] and spontaneous parametric down conversion in nonlinear crystals [14], we observe a saturation of Stokes-anti-Stokes correlations at very low intensities.In our experiments, we measure Stokes and anti-Stokes * Corresponding author: lnovotny@ethz.ch photons in diamond as a function of laser power P L . The excitation wavelength is λ = 785 nm and the Stokes and anti-Stokes photons appear at the wavelengths λ S = 880 nm and λ aS...