We push forward the investigation of holographic dualities in 3d quantum gravity formulated as a topological quantum field theory, studying the correspondence between boundary and bulk structures. Working with the Ponzano-Regge topological state-sum model defining an exact discretization of 3d quantum gravity, we analyze how the partition function for a solid twisted torus depends on the boundary quantum state. This configuration is relevant to the AdS3/CFT2 correspondence. We introduce boundary spin network states with coherent superposition of spins on a square lattice on the boundary surface. This allows for the first exact analytical calculation of Ponzano-Regge amplitudes with extended 2D boundary (beyond the single tetrahedron). We get a regularized finite truncation of the BMS character formula obtained from the one-loop perturbative quantization of 3d gravity. This hints towards the existence of an underlying symmetry and the integrability of the theory for finite boundary at the quantum level for coherent boundary spin network states.
Acknowledgement 38A. Boundary linear forms on the 2-torus 38 B. Stationary spin configurations from Critical couplings 40
C. Ponzano-Regge determinants and bi-variate Chebyshev polynomials 41References 42 * Electronic address: christophe.goeller@ens-lyon.fr † Electronic address: etera.livine@ens-lyon.fr ‡ Electronic address: ariello@perimeterinstitute.ca 5 A spin network mathematically refers to the basis of the space of SU(2)-gauge invariant L 2 wave-functions diagonalizing the SU(2) Casimirs and constructed from SU(2) Wigner matrices and intertwiners [49,50].However, it is often used to indicate more broadly a generic wave-function in that Hilbert space. For a discussion of the gauge invariance of spin networks and their extensions under SU(2) transformations, the interested reader can refer to [51].