Abstract-Preference-based learning to rank (LTR) is a model that learns the underlying pairwise preference with soft binary classification, and then ranks test instances based on pairwise preference predictions. The model can be viewed as an alternative to the popular score-based LTR model, which learns a scoring function and ranks test instances based on their scores directly. Many existing works on preference-based LTR address the step of ranking test instances as the problem of weighted minimum feedback arcset on tournament graph. The problem is somehow NPhard to solve and existing algorithms cannot efficiently produce a decent solution. We propose a practical algorithm to speed up the ranking step while maintaining ranking accuracy. The algorithm employs a divide-and-conquer strategy that mimics merge-sort, and its time complexity is relatively low when compared to other preference-based LTR algorithms. Empirical results demonstrate that the accuracy of the proposed algorithm is competitive to state-of-the-art score-based LTR algorithms.
I. INTRODUCTIONThe problem of learning to rank (LTR) arises in many applications ranging from web search to recommendation systems [1]- [3]. Given a list of items, the goal of LTR is to rearrange the items in a certain order such that the more relevant items are ranked before the less relevant ones. Because of its significance for vast applications, many different models are proposed to deal with the LTR problem [1]- [3].There are two major categories of LTR models, namely score-based models and preference-based models. In scorebased models, the learning algorithm in the training stage aims to produce a scoring function that maps each item to a real-valued score; then, the prediction algorithm produces the final ranking from the linear order induced from the scoring function. The training stage of score-based LTR models is in this sense similar to that of common regression models, which also map items to scores. Many works in tackling the LTR problem thus borrow the so-called pointwise ranking perspective from regression, such as PRanking [4] and large margin ordinal regression [5].Nevertheless, score-based LTR models care about the goodness of the final ranking while regression models care about the accuracy of scores themselves. Such difference makes pointwise ranking less satisfactory in producing a decent final ranking. Many other score-based LTR models therefore try to optimize different ranking-related loss functions. The loss functions often depend on the pairwise or listwise relations