“… - unfair pricing due to adverse selection and transaction costs (Friedman and Warshawsky, 1988; Mitchell et al, 1999);
- constant annuity payouts in combination with borrowing and short‐selling constraints may induce a suboptimal consumption profile (Brown, 2001; Gupta and Li, 2007);
- the existence of bequest motives (Yaari, 1965);
- the crowding‐out effect of government pensions (Mitchell et al, 1999; Brown and Poterba, 2000);
- intrafamily risk sharing (Kotlikoff and Spivak, 1981; Post, Gründl, and Schmeiser, 2006);
- default‐risk of the annuity providing insurer (Babbel and Merrill, 2006; Lopes and Michaelides, 2007; Huang, Tsai, and Tzeng, 2008);
- substitution of annuities by long‐term care insurance (Davidoff, 2008); and
- behavioral biases, like framing (Agnew et al, 2008; Brown et al, 2008).