“…The RSI MicroRider package had four microstructure probes sampling at a rate of 512 Hz: two orthogonally positioned shear probes that provide an estimate of the rate of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation (TKE; ε), and two thermistor probes that provide an estimate of the rate of thermal variance dissipation (χ). The microstructure data were processed following standard methods (e.g., Inall et al.,
2022; Kimura et al.,
2016; Piccolroaz et al.,
2021; Scott et al.,
2021). Under the assumption of small‐scale isotropy, ε can be estimated as
where ν is the temperature‐dependant kinematic viscosity of seawater and
is the variance of the velocity shear fluctuations perpendicular to ALR's path (Osborn,
1974) derived from integrating the velocity shear spectrum
in wavenumber space
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