Abstract. The aim of the article is to study the importance of balance budgeting for agribusiness enterprises and to develop a sample balance budget that meets the needs and characteristics of their activities, reflects the key indicators of financial condition to achieve the target level of economic development. Approaches to determining the essence of the budget and budgeting are generalized, the main features of budget classification are systematized and the place and importance of the balance budget are characterized. The peculiarities of drawing up balance budgets for agribusiness enterprises, which consist in the method of initial recognition of agricultural products, assessment of current and long-term biological assets, reflection in the accounting of land plots, biological transformations, are analyzed. The method of determining budget indicators, the procedure for their coordination and relationship with other types of budgets are described. The proposed balance budget is substantiated, which is supplemented by analytical parameters to assess the financial condition of the enterprise and support effective decision-making. The balance sheet usually contains standard items of financial statements by month for the year, so an important addition is the presentation of deviations for all indicators for the year and average annual values, which will provide more smooth estimates. The scientific novelty of the study is to formalize the process of balance budgeting and balance sheet development for agribusiness enterprises, which takes into account the peculiarities of their activities and contains analytical indicators that help model liquidity, solvency and financial stability and achieve them in the long run. The results of the study allow to organize budgeting more effectively, facilitate the process of developing balance budgets and present them in a supplemented form to manage the financial condition of agribusiness enterprises, increase their book value and economic development.
Keywords: budget, balance budgeting, agribusiness enterprise.
JEL Classification М49, М21, Q19
Formulas: 0; fig.: 0; tabl.: 1; bibl.: 22.