The article develops the concept of "fortress capitalism." The concept has two dimensions. First, it describes those elements within today's migration and border regimes that aim to control the mobility of the global working class in repressive ways. Second, it designates a dystopian future scenario, in which these repressive elements have massively expanded. Such a formation might develop as part of a twenty-first-century fascism. Based on historical materialism and critical theory, the article makes four points. First, it asserts that migration regimes are being transformed toward a new level of restrictiveness. Second, it argues that fortress capitalism complements theoretical motives that emphasize the uncontrollability of migration. Third, it contends that migration and border regimes in their emergence, dynamics, forms, and effects are closely linked to the intersectional dynamics of global capitalism as a whole. Fourth, it points out that global capitalism fundamentally depends on border regimes to regulate its contradictions.
RésuméCet articleélabore le concept de « capitalisme forteresse ». Ce concept comporte deux volets. Premièrement, il décrit leséléments de la migration et des régimes frontaliers actuels visantà contrôler la mobilité de la classe ouvrière mondiale de façon répressive. Deuxièmement, il For helpful comments to this article, including earlier drafts, I am grateful to Lars Bretthauer, Joshua Hatton, Manjiri Palicha, Vishwas Satgar, Simon Noori, Stephan Scheel as well as two anonymous reviewers whose feedback was extremely helpful.