We present a detailed study of V899 Mon (a new member in the FUors/EXors family of young low-mass stars undergoing outburst), based on our long-term monitoring of the source starting from November 2009 to April 2015. Our optical and near-infrared photometric and spectroscopic monitoring recorded the source transitioning from its first outburst to a short duration quiescence phase (< 1 year), and then returning to a second outburst. We report here the evolution of the outflows from inner region of the disk as the accretion rate evolved in various epochs. Our high resolution (R∼37000) optical spectrum could resolve interesting clumpy structures in the outflow traced by various lines. Change in far-infrared flux was also detected between two outburst epochs. Based on our observations we constrained various stellar and envelope parameters of V899 Mon, as well as the kinematics of its accretion and outflow. The photometric and spectroscopic properties of this source fall between classical FUors and EXors. Our investigation of V899 Mon hints instability associated with magnetospheric accretion to be the physical cause of sudden short duration pause of outburst in 2011. It is also a good candidate to explain similar short duration pauses in outburst of some other FUors/EXors sources.
NIR PhotometryNear-infrared (NIR) photometric monitoring of the source in J, H and K / K S bands were carried out using HCT NIR camera (NIRCAM), TIFR Near Infrared Spectrometer and Imager (TIRSPEC) mounted on HCT, and TIFR Near Infrared Imaging Camera-II (TIRCAM2) mounted on IGO telescope. NIRCAM has a 512 × 512 Mercury Cadmium Telluride (HgCdTe) array, with a pixel size of 18 µm, which gives a FoV of ∼ 3.6 × 3.6 arcmin 2 on HCT. Filters used for observations were J (λ center = 1.28 µm, ∆λ= 0.28 µm), H (λ center = 1.66 µm, ∆λ= 0.33 µm) and K (λ center = 2.22 µm, ∆λ= 0.38 µm). Further details of the instrument are available at http://www.iiap.res.in/iao/nir.html. TIR-SPEC has a 1024 × 1024 Hawaii-1 PACE 4 (HgCdTe) array, with a pixel size of 18 µm, which gives a FoV of ∼ 5 × 5 arcmin 2 on HCT. Filters used for observations were J (λ center = 1.25 µm, ∆λ= 0.16 µm), H (λ center = 1.635 µm, ∆λ= 0.29 µm) and K S (λ center = 2.145 µm, ∆λ= 0.31 µm) (Mauna Kea Observatories Near-Infrared filter system). Further details of TIRSPEC are available in Ninan et al. (2014); Ojha et al. (2012). TIRCAM2 1