The hydraulic tile is a cement material produced in a handmade way, pressed, composed by three layers. With the coming of sidewalks adaptation in accessibility patterns, the tactile-floor tile hydraulic was developed to constitute the floor strip of alert for vision disabled people. The work has the objective to develop the mix design of the tile containing hydraulic binder with addition of granite residue. Properties analyzed: water absorption, rupture load, flexural modulus and wear by abrasion test. It was verified that the addition of residue to the tile, that it acted as a filler, promoted improvements in the analyzed properties; which makes the addition of granite residue an alternative technically feasible for the use in sidewalks and also a contribution to the sustainable development of the sector of granite improvement.Keywords: tactile-floor tile hydraulic, residue improvement dimension stone, accessibility, sustainability, recycling.O ladrilho hidráulico é um material cimentíceo produzido de forma artesanal, prensado, composto de três camadas. Com o advento da adaptação de calçadas em padrões de acessibilidade, foi desenvolvido o ladrilho hidráulico piso tátil para constituir a faixa de piso de alerta para deficientes visuais. O trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver a dosagem do ladrilho contendo aglomerante hidráulico com adição de resíduo de granito. Foram analisadas as propriedades: absorção de água, carga de ruptura, módulo de resistência à flexão e a resistência ao desgaste por abrasão. Foi verificado que a adição do resíduo ao ladrilho, que agiu como um fíler, promoveu melhorias nas propriedades analisadas, o que faz com que a adição de resíduo de granito seja uma alternativa tecnicamente viável para uso em calçadas e contribua para o desenvolvimento sustentável do setor de beneficiamento de granito.Palavras-chave: ladrilho hidráulico piso tátil, resíduo de beneficiamento de rochas ornamentais, acessibilidade, sustentabilidade, reciclagem. CT,, Av. Fernando Ferrari, n°514, Goiabeiras -CEP 29075-973 -, Vitória -Espirito Santo -Brasil Received: 18 Mar 2009 • Accepted: 24 Aug 2010 • Available Online: 17 Dec 2010
Tactile-floor tile hydraulic with addition residue improvement dimension stones
AbstractResumo Volume 3, Number 4 (December, 2010) p. 390 -419 • ISSN 1983 © 2010 IBRACON
MethodologyInitially, the material components of hydraulic tile and the residue to be added into the formulation were characterized. Tile hydraulic factories in the state of Espirito Santo were visited in order to study the methodology for mix design of hydraulic tile, and from that point, the experimental study of mix design of tactile-floor hydraulic tile with added residue began, as well as the verification of properties of the hydraulic tiles obtained in LEMAC UFES.
Characterization of materialsThe materials that make up the hydraulic tiles are divided into three layers, namely:• top layer -composed of Portland cement CPIII40RS, residue, water and pigment Bayferrox 732;