In the stripe-ordered state of a strongly-correlated two-dimensional electronic system, under a set of special circumstances, the superconducting condensate, like the magnetic order, can occur at a non-zero wave-vector corresponding to a spatial period double that of the charge order. In this case, the Josephson coupling between near neighbor planes, especially in a crystal with the special structure of La2−xBaxCuO4, vanishes identically. We propose that this is the underlying cause of the dynamical decoupling of the layers recently observed in transport measurements at x = 1/8.High-temperature superconductivity (HTSC) was first discovered [1] in La 2−x Ba x CuO 4 . A sharp anomaly [2] in T c (x) occurs at x = 1/8 which is now known to be indicative [3,4] of the existence of stripe order and of its strong interplay with HTSC. Recently, a remarkable dynamical layer decoupling has been observed [5] associated with the superconducting (SC) fluctuations below the spinstripe ordering transition temperature, T spin = 42K.While T c (x), as determined by the onset of a bulk Meissner effect, reaches values up to T c (x = 0.1) = 33 K for x somewhat smaller and larger than x = 1/8, T c (x) drops to the range 2-4 K for x = 1/8. However, in other respects, superconductivity appears to be optimized for x = 1/8. The d-wave gap determined by ARPES has recently been shown [6] to be largest for x = 1/8. Moreover, strong SC fluctuations produce an order of magnitude drop [5] in the in-plane resistivity, ρ ab , at T ≈ T spin , which is considerably higher than the highest bulk SC.The fluctuation conductivity reveals heretofore unprecedented characteristics (as described schematically in Fig. 1): 1) ρ ab drops rapidly with decreasing temperature from T spin down to T KT ≈ 16K, at which point it becomes unmeasurably small. In the range T spin > T > T KT , the temperature dependence of ρ ab is qualitatively of the Kosterlitz-Thouless form, as if the SC fluctuations were strictly confined to a single copperoxide plane. 2) By contrast, the resistivity perpendicular to the copper-oxide planes, ρ c , increases with decreasing temperatures from T ⋆ > ∼ 300 K, down to T ⋆⋆ ≈ 35 K. For T < T ⋆⋆ , ρ c decreases with decreasing temperature, but it only becomes vanishingly small below T 3D ≈ 10 K. Within experimental error, for T KT > T > T 3D , the resistivity ratio, ρ c /ρ ab , is infinite! 3) The full set of usual characteristics of the SC state, the Meissner effect and perfect conductivity, ρ ab = ρ c = 0, is only observed below T c = 4K. Thus, for T 3D > T > T c , a peculiar form of fragile 3D superconductivity exists.The above listed results are new, so an extrinsic explanation of some aspects of the data is possible. Here we assume that the measured properties do reflect the bulk behavior of La 2−x Ba x CuO 4 . We show that there is a straightforward way in which stripe or-