Human polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) chemotax to a foreign entity. When the chemoattractants' origins are reached, specific receptors bind to the invader's surface, initiating phagocytosis, phagosome formation, and fusion with granule membranes, generating the bactericidal oxidative burst, and releasing lytic enzymes, specific peptides, and proteins. We explored the initial signaling involved in these functions by observing naïve, unprimed PMN in suspension using fluorescent indicators of cytoplasmic signals (⌬[Ca 2؉ ] i and ⌬pH i ) and of bactericidal entities (oxidative species and elastase) exposed to N-formyl-methionyl-leucylphenylalanine (fMLP) and/or multivalent immune complexes (IC Human polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) activation is triggered by the liganding of the stimulus to its specific receptors (4,8,29,30,(40)(41)(42)(43). Chemoattractants released by an organism or by the opsonins that coat it, such as N-formylmethionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP), are recognized by their PMN surface receptors. Naïve PMN have been shown to possess two classes of fMLP receptors (fPR1 and fPR2, of high and low affinity, respectively) (25, 40-43), which, when liganded with up to 100 nM peptide, mediate the activation of signals, including a rapid transient rise in cytoplasmic Ca 2ϩ ([Ca 2ϩ ] i ), due largely to release from intracellular stores, and a simultaneous drop in cytoplasmic pH (pH i ) (14,19,26,27,37); when the fMLP concentrations are above 1 M, the loweraffinity fMLP receptor also initiates some release of bactericidal entities (7,25,42,43,49). The initial rapid cytoplasmic signals initiated by fPR1 have been studied extensively; they are followed within less than 1 min by a redistribution such that a final [Ca 2ϩ ] i up to 100 nM above the resting [Ca 2ϩ ] i ([Ca 2ϩ ] i 0 ) of naïve PMN as well as a pH i 0.2 to 0.3 units higher than its resting pH i (pH 0 ) of 7.05 to 7.07 are attained (2, 15, 37). These changes, in turn, cause the PMN, after cytoskeletal rearrangement (15,33,37) and expression of adhesion proteins on their surface, to move (chemotax) up the chemoattractant gradient to its source via multiple contacts between a given PMN and higher fMLP concentrations (32), a motion that has been captured in real time (23).Many investigations have shown that at or below 100 nM, liganding with fMLP does not induce the activation of the bactericidal functions of human PMN (e.g., oxidative burst and lytic enzyme and inhibitory protein release) unless the PMN have been primed (3,6,13,15,39,48,50). When the PMN reach the maximal chemoattractant concentration and hence the entity from which it originated, a different set of receptors, such as Fc␥R, C3R, CD14, and Toll-like receptor (specific receptors for the Fc ends of immunoglobulin G, complement components, lipopolysaccharides, and Toll-like ligands, respectively), which mediates phagocytosis and degranulation, is liganded by the entity itself or its coating opsonins, and the bactericidal functions of the PMN are initiated (30).We have previousl...