Tuber soft rot and early blight are serious potato diseases. Development of potato varieties resistant to these diseases has been hindered by the scarcity of resistant germplasm. A diploid wild species, Solanum brevidens, shows significant resistance to both diseases. Numerous potato breeding lines have been developed from a potato- S. brevidens somatic hybrid, A206. A BC(3) clone, C75-5+297, derived from this somatic hybrid as well as its BC(1) and BC(2) parental lines showed resistance to both tuber soft rot and early blight. Clone C75-5+297 has consistently out-yielded common varieties under disease stress. Using both molecular and cytogenetic approaches we demonstrated that a single copy of chromosome 8 from S. brevidens replaced a potato chromosome 8 in C75-5+297. Thus, C75-5+297 represents a potato- S. brevidens chromosome substitution line. Our results suggest that the presence of a single chromosome from S. brevidens may significantly impact the resistance to multiple potato diseases. The high yield potential of C75-5+297 makes it an excellent parent for developing potato varieties with resistances to both tuber soft rot and early blight.