“…We therefore collected specific data from different paleoenvironmental natures at Morro de Itapeva, located in Campos do Jordão, 22°47'S, 45°32'W (Behling 1997a); Fazenda Boa Vista, located in Baixo Vale do Ribeira, 24°36'18"S, 47°38'33"W (Bissa et al, 2000;Silva 2014); Núcleo Curucutu, Serra do Mar, 23°59'14.4"S, 46° 45'58" (Moffato 2005;Saia 2006); and Abrigo de Itapeva,Itapeva,24°03'51"S,48° 58' 26"W,for comparisons. Serra da Mantiqueira [Mantiqueira Mountains] is a well-studied area in the state of São Paulo, which reconstituted paleoenvironmental data features on studies concerning ancient vegetation, climate history, and human populations. Behling's study (1997a) on the period ranging from 9,900 to 2,610 years BP shows low grassland taxa (40-58%) due to a decrease in grasses (24-39%) and monocots (2-4%), andrecords increased Araucaria Forest taxa (4-8%) due to an increase in low crown trees (Behling 1997a).…”