Abstract-Without high-bandwidth broadcast, large numbers of cores require a scalable point-to-point interconnect and a directory protocol. In such cases, a shared, inclusive last level cache (LLC) can improve data sharing and avoid threeway communication for shared reads. However, if inclusion encompasses thread-private data, two problems arise with the shared LLC. First, current memory allocators align stack bases on page boundaries, which emerges as a source of severe conflict misses for large numbers of threads on data-parallel applications. Second, correctness does not require the private data to reside in the shared directory or the LLC. This paper advocates stack-base randomization that eliminates the major source of conflict misses for large numbers of threads. However, when capacity becomes a limitation for the directory or last-level cache, this is not sufficient. We then propose non-inclusive, semi-coherent cache organization (NISC) that removes the requirement for inclusion of private data and reduces capacity misses. Our data-parallel benchmarks show that these limitations prevent scaling beyond 8 cores, while our techniques allow scaling to at least 32 cores for most benchmarks. At 8 cores, stack randomization provides a mean speedup of 1.2X, but stack randomization with 32 cores gives a speedup of 2.7X over the best baseline configuration. Comparing to conventional performance with a 2 MB LLC, our technique achieves similar performance with a 256 KB LLC, suggesting LLCs may be typically overprovisioned. When very limited LLC resources are available, NISC can further improve system performance by 1.8X.