For a detailed understanding of complex semiconductor heterostructures and the physics of devices based on them, a systematic determination and correlation of the structural, chemical, electronic, and optical properties on a micro-or nano-scale is essential. Luminescence techniques belong to the most sensitive, non-destructive methods of semiconductor research. The combination of luminescence spectroscopy with the high spatial resolution of a scanning electron microscope, as realized by the technique of cathodoluminescence microscopy, provides a powerful tool for the optical nano-characterization of semiconductors, their heterostructures as well as their interfaces. Additional access to the local electronic and structural properties is provided by micro-Raman spectroscopy, e.g. giving insight into the local free carrier concentration and local stress. In this paper, the properties of group-III-nitrides are investigated by highly spatially and spectrally resolved cathodoluminescence microscopy in conjunction with micro-Raman spectroscopy. Complex phenomena of self-organization and their strong impact on the microscopic and nanoscopic properties of both binary and ternary nitrides are presented. As the ultimate measure of device performance, the microscopic properties of light emitting diodes are assessed under operation. Using microelectroluminescence mapping in the optical microscope as well as in the near field detection mode of a scanning near field optical microscope, the microscopic origin of the macroscopic spectral red shift in light emitting diodes is identified.