to the nanometer length scale (limited by lithography resolution and pattern fi delity). Additionally, the conventional ion implantation process entails severe crystal damage that can be ameliorated by thermal annealing, but only at the cost of nonuniform junctions resulting from uncontrolled thermal diffusion of the implanted ions.Reliable manufacturing of new ultra small-scale devices requires deterministic doping, i.e., control over the exact position of dopant atoms in semiconductor structures to produce the necessary ultrashallow, doped junctions with well-defi ned insulating areas. While monolayer doping, [4][5][6][7] delta-doping, [ 8 ] contact doping, [ 9 ] and related techniques afford unprecedented control over abrupt ultrashallow junctions (sub-5 nm), lateral confi nement of dopants in the x-y plane is not easily achieved. Recently, van der Wiel and co-workers demonstrated lateral confi nement of dopants using nanoimprint lithography. In this case, the domain spacing of the confi ned dopants was shown to be of the order of ≈100 µm with the potential to extend the process applicability into the sub-100 nm range by using highresolution molds. [ 10,11 ] In the limiting case, single-ion implantation enables truly deterministic doping, in that the precise position of every implanted ion is predetermined. [ 12 ] While this technique can potentially address the abovementioned challenge on a local scale, the energy consumption and slow throughput associated with the process makes scaling to waferscale substrates cost-prohibitive. Thus, there is a fundamental design limitation preventing the fabrication of controllably doped junctions on the nanometer length scale.In this work, we have developed a novel technique demonstrating discretely doped shallow junctions (<10 nm) over large areas (1 cm 2 ) based on block copolymer self-assembly ( Scheme 1 ). We show that control over the lateral dopant profi le in the x-y plane can be achieved by varying the size and the spacing of the block copolymer domains. Importantly, the concentration of dopants in the junctions can be easily tuned by varying the dopant precursor concentration in the block copolymer thin fi lms prior to thermal diffusion and dopant incorporation. This technique is based on the inclusion of a small molecule (SM) dopant precursor within the core of a block copolymer micelle in solution via hydrogen bonding, casting the preformed micelles onto the Si substrate followed by rapid thermal annealing to drive the dopant into the substrate, as shown in Scheme 1 . The boronic acid pinacol ester functionality has been previously demonstrated to effectively dope Si substrates upon thermal annealing. [ 4,5,13 ] PSb -P4VP was chosen as the block copolymer host given the ability of the pyridine nitrogen in P4VP to hydrogen bond to a variety of potential dopant precursors and the large difference in solubility of the blocks leading to uniform micelle formation. Three such block copolymers (P1, P2, and P3) with different Controlling the precise location of dopants ...