The production of the f1(1285) resonance in the reaction of γp → f1(1285)p is investigated within a Regge-effective Lagrangian approach. Besides the contributions of the t-channel ρ and ω trajectories exchanges, we also take into account the contributions of s/u-channel N (2300) terms, s/u-channel nucleon terms, and the contact term. By fitting to the CLAS data, we find that the s-channel N (2300) term plays an important role in this reaction. We predict the total cross section for this reaction, and find a clear bump structure around W = 2.3 GeV, which is associated with the N (2300) state. The reaction of γp → f1(1285)p could be useful to further study of the N (2300) experimentally.PACS numbers: 13.60. Le, 14.20.Gk, 11.10.Ef
I. INTRODUCTIONIt has been known that the nucleon is a bound state of three valence quarks since 1970s. Many nucleon resonances, referred as N * , have been observed [1], the properties of nucleon resonances are the important issues in hadron physics, and attract lots of attentions [2][3][4]. For the nucleon resonances with masses below 2 GeV, their properties have been widely investigated in literature. However, the current knowledge on the properties of excited nucleon states with masses above 2 GeV is scarce. On the other hand, many missing N * s, predicted by the constituent quark models are not yet found [5].Recently, the CLAS Collaboration has measured the f 1 (1285) meson for the first time in photoproduction from a proton target, and presented the f 1 (1285) differential photoproduction cross section into ηπ + π − final states from the threshold up to a center-of-mass (c.m.) energy of W = 2.8 GeV [6]. A cross section comparison for γp → η ′ (958)p → ηπ + π − p and γp → f 1 (1285)p → ηπ + π − p at W = 2.55 GeV in Fig. 10 of Ref. [6] shows that the η ′ (958) cross section exhibits much stronger tand u-channel signatures in the angle dependence than dose the one of f 1 (1285), which is quite flat. This may imply that the f 1 (1285) photoproduction mechanism is not dominated alone by t-channel production processes.Before the experimental study on γp → f 1 (1285)p [6], there are several theoretical works on this reaction. Within the Regge-model, considering the exchanges of t-channel ρ and ω trajectories, Kochelev et al. calculated the differential cross sections of γp → f 1 (1285)p [7]. Comparison of the Regge-model calculations and the CLAS data shows the t-channel production process alone does not reproduce the CLAS measurements.