The aim: The study aimed to assess the content of selected toxic compounds in mineral and spring waters available on the Polish market regarding potential health risks to consumers.
Materials and methods: Selected mineral and spring waters available on the Polish market were the study’s objects. The content of such chemical compounds as arsenic, cadmium, lead, copper, and mercury in selected mineral and spring waters was analyzed. The content of metals in the samples was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Additionally, a literature review was performed to determine nitrates contamination of bottled waters available on the Polish market. Based on the collected data, an assessment of exposure and health risk to consumers was performed.
Results: Arsenic had the highest mean concentration in the analyzed water samples. Consumption of such contaminated waters may be a significant health risk factor for consumers. Literature data indicate a relatively low content of nitrates in bottled waters available on the Polish market. Consumption of such mineral waters is not a significant source of exposure and does not translate into a significant health risk for consumers.
Conclusions: To ensure consumers’ health safety, there is a need to monitor the content of potentially harmful compounds in mineral and spring waters available on the Polish market.