Soták M, Polidarová L, Musílková J, Hock M, Sumová A, Pácha J. Circadian regulation of electrolyte absorption in the rat colon. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 301: G1066-G1074, 2011. First published September 8, 2011 doi:10.1152/ajpgi.00256.2011The intestinal transport of nutrients exhibits distinct diurnal rhythmicity, and the enterocytes harbor a circadian clock. However, temporal regulation of the genes involved in colonic ion transport, i.e., ion transporters and channels operating in absorption and secretion, remains poorly understood. To address this issue, we assessed the 24-h profiles of expression of genes encoding the sodium pump (subunits Atp1a1 and Atp1b1), channels (␣-, -, and ␥-subunits of Enac and Cftr), transporters (Dra, Ae1, Nkcc1, Kcc1, and Nhe3), and the Na ϩ /H ϩ exchanger (NHE) regulatory factor (Nherf1) in rat colonic mucosa. Furthermore, we investigated temporal changes in the spatial localization of the clock genes Per1, Per2, and Bmal1 and the genes encoding ion transporters and channels along the crypt axis. In rats fed ad libitum, the expression of Atp1a1, ␥Enac, Dra, Ae1, Nhe3, and Nherf1 showed circadian variation with maximal expression at circadian time 12, i.e., at the beginning of the subjective night. The peak ␥Enac expression coincided with the rise in plasma aldosterone. Restricted feeding phase advanced the expression of Dra, Ae1, Nherf, and ␥Enac and decreased expression of Atp1a1. The genes Atp1b1, Cftr, ␣Enac, Enac, Nkcc1, and Kcc1 did not show any diurnal variations in mRNA levels. A low-salt diet upregulated the expression of Enac and ␥Enac during the subjective night but did not affect expression of ␣Enac. Similarly, colonic electrogenic Na ϩ transport was much higher during the subjective night than the subjective day. These findings indicate that the transporters and channels operating in NaCl absorption undergo diurnal regulation and suggest a role of an intestinal clock in the coordination of colonic NaCl absorption. rhythm; intestinal transport; transporters; channels VARIOUS FUNCTIONS OF THE INTESTINE such as motility, epithelial cell proliferation, digestion, and transport exhibit diurnal activities (9,13,30). Several transporters involved in absorption of carbohydrates and small peptides exhibit robust circadian fluctuations that seem to be regulated by two pathways. The first pathway involves food intake and is mediated by gut luminal signals, whereas the second one involves systemic entrainment pathways (21,22,35,40). In addition to nutrient absorption in the small intestine, the colonic absorption of some electrolytes and volatile fatty acids (5, 41, 42) and some intestinal secretory activity (4, 31, 32) exhibit diurnal rhythmicity.Functional circadian clocks operate in both the small (6, 23, 25) and large intestine (10,33,24). The molecular clock mechanism is based on interaction between transcription-based feedback loops. The transcription factors CLOCK and BMAL1 drive the transcription of Per, Cry, Rev-erb␣, and Ror␣ clock genes by binding CLO...