Biological and behavioural aspects of Bemisia tabaci B biotype (Genn.) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) on tomato genotypes and its relation to Tomato severe rugose virus Insect vectors of phytopathogens are responsible by significant losses in agriculture, especially by disseminating microorganisms that cause diseases in host plants. The whitefly Bemisia tabaci B biotype is an important pest in the tomato crop, capable to transmit several virus in this crop. Thus, this study aimed to: verify the resistance to the transmission of the begomovirus Tomato severe rugose virus (ToSRV) by B. tabaci B biotype in tomato genotypes treated and non treated with the insecticide cyantraniliprole; know about insectplant interactions through experiments of feeding and oviposition attractiveness by the insect and probe behaviour of viruliferous adults of B. tabaci biotype B in tomato genotypes monitored by Electrical penetration graph (EPG). It was selected five tomato genotypes: 'Santa Clara' (susceptible to the whitefly), 'Ivety' and 'Carina TY' (resistant to ToSRV), LA1335 and LA716 (resistant to the whitefly), to an initial experiment to select the most susceptible genotype to the insect and to the virus, the most resistant to the virus, and the most resistant to the insect for carry out the others experiments. Thus, it was selected 'Santa Clara' (susceptible to both organisms), 'Ivety' (resistant to ToSRV) and LA716 (resistant to the insect). The attractiveness experiment showed that LA716 repelled the whiteflies, which was considered the least attractive, followed by 'Ivety', and after 'Santa Clara' which had the largest total number of whiteflies. The three cyantraniliprole treated genotypes, and the nontreated genotype LA716 (genetic resistance isolated) were able to reduce ToSRV inoculation by the whiteflies and to cause high mortality of insects, moreover, the cyantraniliprole treated genotypes, and non-treated 'Ivety' had less ToSRV severity than 'Santa Clara', the most susceptible. Through the EPG technique, it was clear that LA716 and the treatment of the three genotypes with cyantraniliprole promoted similar effects in B. tabaci B biotype, in which there was reduction of the number of events of waveform np, probe, waveform C and waveform G per insect, besides of reducting significantly the proportion of individuals that performed the waveforms pd, E1, E2, F, G, ingestion into phloem for long time, short probes, and increase the duration of the waveform np and reduce the duration of probe, waveform C, number of short probes and number of sustained E2 per insect. Moreover, the integration of the LA716 resistance with cyantraniliprole promoted additional effects, such as the reduction of the proportion of whiteflies that performed probe, waveform C and G, in relation to the non-treated genotypes, and an increasing in the duration of waveform np, probe and waveform C per event. Analyzing the results, it can be concluded that LA716 is highly resistant to B. tabaci biotype B. Besides of being less attractive, the genotype promot...