A 55-year-old patient who worked as the operations manager at an aerial cable car facility presented with a one-year history of recurrent painful infl ammation of both auricles. Each episode had lasted several weeks and had clinically been characterized by erythematous swelling of the affected ear with mild scaling as well as a fetid discharge. The patient had not been free of symptoms since the initial onset of lesions. Topical measures initiated by an ENT specialist, who had suspected otitis externa associated with chronic dermatitis of the auditory canal, had not resulted in any lasting improvement. At the same time, the patient had also noticed weight loss, night sweats, fatigue, as well as progressive yet mild hearing loss and infl ammation of both eyes, which had prompted him to present to a rheumatologist. A comprehensive rheumatological workup had revealed no pathological fi ndings, apart from elevated ANA levels, which had been interpreted as a nonspecifi c epiphenomenon.
Clinical findings and histologyThe right ear was markedly swollen, tender to pressure, warm, and had an erythematous/violaceous hue; there was mild fi ne-lamellar scaling at the external auditory meatus. On the glabella and along the eyelashes on both sides, there was an ill-defi ned, slightly scaling erythema (Figure 1 a, b). Right submandibular lymphadenopathy was noted. The patient was afebrile. A biopsy was taken from the anthelix of the affected ear (Figure 2 a, b).
Laboratory testsA complete blood count with differential, C-reactive protein, and liver and kidney function tests were within normal limits. Serum protein electrophoresis was unremarkable, the ANA titer (1 : 320) was elevated. Fungal and bacterial swabs taken from the affected ear and auditory canal were without pathological fi ndings.