In止is study, we propose 止e new method 眠)analyze the compOsition of laiidscape pictUrps and indica ! e 止e practicatity ot new meth 〔 威 τ hs new me 山 od makes it pOssible to recognize the tw( 》 − dimensienal picture as the 止ree − dimensional spa again by projecting the landscape elementS on the surfhce compOsed the廿ireedimensional space 」n other words , new methOd can ledu 山e complica 紀 d landscape oDn 甜 u σ tionω s ple three − dimensional space using 且 andscape oomponen お of two − dimensional pic 加 res. The1efore we call the methOd " Reduce MethOd " , Using Reduce Method 」 on 廿亘s pape ら we analyze pictu 爬 s sampled 血 ) m tourism pamphle 的. As the r℃ su1 ちwe ob 儉 in the 山at tourism pamphlets of α ta PIefeCture have the six composition types and that 山e landScape type and the tourist resort type characterire the each composition type.And we make clear that landScape elementS chatzcterize the each surface compOsed the th ! ee − dimensional spa .