The purpose of this study was to analyse subjective self-evaluation of musculoskeletal discomfort conducted by female production assembly workers. Thirty-seven female assembly workers aged 20-54 years participated in this study, whereas 35 of them were right-handed. Discomfort in neck, shoulder, upper back, upper arm, low back, forearm, wrist, hips, thigh, knees, lower legs and heels was subjectively evaluated by Cornell Musculoskeletal Discomfort Questionnaire. The results indicated that female assembly workers felt most work-related discomfort in the neck (44%), lower back (19.7%) and in the right wrist (15%). Discomfort was less pronounced in the right knee (0.01%), left upper arm (0.04%) and left hip buttocks (0.1%). In conclusion, this study indicated that subjective discomfort sensed by female production assembly workers was higher in the neck, lower back, right shoulder and the right wrist. According to the study results, further research is needed on the relationship between musculoskeletal discomfort and its influence on the quality of assembly work.