Nonprofit organizations face increasing pressure to become more performance oriented. Most research has focused on the effects of a variety of independent variables on performance with little research focusing on combinations of factors that impact on performance. This paper focuses on sport governing bodies from Belgium and measures and assesses their strategic goals and potential determinants of performance. Due to the small N-sample and the causal complexity inherent in this research, a crisp-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (csQCA) was carried out which highlighted three pathways linked with high performance. High performance could be delivered by sport governing bodies that develop innovative activities for their members and are proactive in elite sport services; or that develop innovative activities and involve paid staff in the decision-making processes; or that involve committed volunteers in decision-making processes and delegate activities they are not able to deliver.Keywords: organizational performance; sport governing bodies; nonprofit sport organizations; qualitative comparative analysis; QCA Running head: PATHWAYS TO HIGH PERFORMANCE 2 Pathways to high performance:
A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of sport governing bodiesOrganizational performance is a central theme in the analysis of organizations (Cameron, 1986;Fiss, 2007;Quinn & Rohrbaugh, 1983) as many managers assess performance for benchmarking purposes. Nonprofit organizations are not exempt from this. However, little research in this field has focused on ways of obtaining high performance. Two main reasons can explain it. First, it is difficult to understand how organizational aspects of nonprofit organizations act and interact to produce performance and second, it is also difficult to define what high performance is within nonprofit organizations due to their multiple goals (Cutt, 1998;Herman & Renz, 1998;Speckbacher, 2003). This papers aims to address this gap by investigating the theory that complex constellations of factors lead to high performance in the nonprofit sector (Cairns, Harris, Hutchison & Tricker, 2007;Caldwell, Farmer & Fedor, 2008;Schmid, 2002). In line with suggestions of Wolfe, Hoeber and Babiak (2002), this research aims to investigate combinations of key determinants that can be linked with high performance of specific nonprofit organizations. This paper considers the 49 competition oriented sport governing bodies from the Wallonia-Brussels region in Belgium -the French speaking part of the Belgian Federal State as opposed to Flanders and the German speaking Community. Each governing body is responsible for a single sport (e.g., tennis, basketball, swimming) and is required to organize sport activities and competitions for their membership. Due to their recognition by authorities, regional sport governing bodies (RSGBs) all conform to the same system of regulation which allow them to receive grants, which makes it possible to compare these organizations. This paper begins with a presentation of organiza...