West Java is the province with the most followers of Islam. Of the total population of 43 million, almost 42 million are Muslims. However, according to BMPT the most radical act of Islamic radicalism occurred in West Java. It is as if there is a relationship between Islam and radicalism. Tasikmalaya is known as the most populous Muslims in West Java, reaching 98.73%. The study aims to find the relationship between religiosity and religious tolerance in junior high-school students in the city of Tasikmalaya. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. The instrument used was a questionnaire on religiosity and religious tolerance. The sample is 90 students of junior high-school5 Kota Tasikmalaya. The results of the study, first, 68.9% of students had high religiosity, 26.7% moderate, and 4.4% low. Second, student religious tolerance is 63.3% high, 25.6% moderate, and 11.1% low. Third, based on the results of the Pearson Correlation test, obtained r = 0, 287 (significant 0.01). That is, there is a significant correlation between religiosity and religious tolerance. Thus, the religiosity fostered by Islamic Religious Education teachers of junior highschool at Tasikmalaya increases students' religious tolerance. By looking at the results of a low correlation test, there are indeed some students who have high religiosity but have low religious tolerance. In its pedagogical implications, fostering religious tolerance needs to be carried out in conjunction with fostering religiosity.